Saturday, June 11, 2011

June 11, 2011

I have been remiss in not honoring one of the great punning band names of all time: Banned Rehearsal. This free-improv group has been around since 1984 and (full disclosure) I've been a member since 1985. We're approaching the 27th Bannediversary and still play regularly, recording every session. We had a particularly nice session this past week and I thought we deserved a mention. Now, on with the regular list:

DJ Doo Right
When we watch a DVD, we precede it with a short: an episode of "Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends." We are somewhere at season 2, so we've seen a lot of Dudley Dooright, making this an easy pick. I'm picturing a square-jawed dj in a Mountie uniform . . .

Guantanamo Baywatch
 I always enjoy these linguistic mashups for the surprising twist at the end. Something that isn't funny in the least turns ridiculous, which makes a person think.

Omega Moo
Spoken, this sounds like the name of fictional sorority, which is kind of funny but not that much. In print, however, it goes somewhere goofy. Cows, like pigs (square or otherwise) and chickens, are automatically funny.

Another surprising mashup, this one bilingual.

Sad and French
A post-breakup request at the piano bar: "Give me something sad and French." (This works equally well at the video store or library).

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