Saturday, April 9, 2016

April 9, 2016

I like when April gives us a foretaste of May, though Thursday's foretaste of July was a bit much. But I won't complain because I know it's only a matter of time before we have a flashback to March. Today was the day for yardwork, but now it's band-name time.

Assistant Chief Seattle
Full disclosure: I've met this group's instigators. I like the overlap of a secondary official with our local eponymous figure.

The Bloodtypes
I just got back from donating blood, so of course I'm picking this one. (I'm A pos., if anyone wants to know.) The word blood features in many metal band names, but this usage is more medical/scientific than horror/ritual, pointing to saving a life rather than taking one. Fun fact: they were on a bill with three past Square Pig honorees: Bottlenose Koffins, Boss Martians, and Tan Sedan.

Sit Kitty Sit
Like that'll get you anywhere. Cats take orders from no one. (Cat sits. Gives a look that says, "I was going to do that, anyway. Nothing to do with you.")

Star Meets Sea
And then along comes this one, the prettiest thing I've seen in the club listings in ages.

Thought Vomit 
Some ideas are better out than in; usually best not to share them with people. But if you're lucky, you'll have someone to hold your hair and help you clean up afterward.

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