Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 21, 2015

Because Seattle cleverly outsourced our winter to the East Coast this year, it's been springlike for weeks, but now it's spring for real. This calls for celebration! Get out there and bring some joy to a bar band at a club near you!

Dog Party
Around this house, we love and revere P. D. Eastman's Go Dog Go, a limited-vocabulary guide to how to pick up girls. It concludes in an epic dog party in a tree. I like that party hat! I like that band name!

Stranger than Nixon 
It's not every week I see two band names with a Nixon connection, so I'm grouping these two together. "Stranger than Nixon" looks moderately amusing on paper, but its genius is revealed when spoken aloud (along with an implication that Nixon might be a little bit fictional.) As a little kid who knew next to nothing about politics, I thought his middle name was pretty strange, although that turns about to be the least weird thing about him.
Nowhere Near Nashville
I have to celebrate this much alliteration, as well as the literal truth about this outfit from a different -ville: Marysville, WA. Music of any genre can come from anywhere.

Problem with Dragons
I love the offhand way this diminishes terrifying and destructive creatures to the level of rodents or a leaky roof. Even so, with this kind of infestation, you'd better hope your pest control outfit has a wizard on staff.

My fiction and blogging projects collide in "St. Rage,"  the 13th release in the Pankhearst Singles Club. This story of an all-girl teenage garage band with superpowers is short, it's funny, and it's only $ .99. If you like "St. Rage," please like St. Rage on Facebook and go listen to their first demo, "Huge Guy in the Mosh Pit."

I play drums in a band called Your Mother Should Know. Our album Rocks and Glass is available now on Bandcamp.

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