Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21, 2014

It's still sunny and warm, but it must be fall now -- leaves are turning color, it's dark by 7:30 p.m., and you can buy Halloween candy at the grocery store. Treasure the remaining days when you feel like wearing shorts and drinking outside. Soon enough, we'll want to huddle in the dark and turn up the music. Here are just a few bands who might be willing to help out with that:

Deep Sea Thunderbeast
Without resorting to Google, I'm happy to take this for an English translation of a) the scientific name of a prehistoric marine reptile; b) the German name for a really big whale; or c) Godzilla. It's a solid yet evocative description of . . . something loud.

The Man from Somewhere Else
It's fun to imagine a place where the person who fits this vague description is distinct enough for the definite article. Actually, I grew up there.

Running the words together transforms an entry in an agricultural fair into a miserly champion who hoards all the medals.

Skies Below
I like the disorientation packed into this simple phrase, and it gives me a literary idea. (Sit tight; maybe it'll go away). In one of my SF manuscripts, a character speaks metaphorically of "kissing the sky." A recent reader pointed out that as he is already in space at the time, he is outside the sky/atmosphere and maybe I should choose another word. Well, maybe. Or I might have another character puncture his poetry, and then remind him of it on re-entry, as they kiss the sky from above.

Wild Pack of Canaries
"Pack" is a hilarious word to apply to little songbirds, but I imagine the din is epic. 

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