Saturday, April 5, 2014

April 5, 2014

If last night's Music Night Out @Nova is any indication, the future of Seattle music is in good hands. Classical guitar, baroque recorder trio, singer-songwriters, punk rock, jazz, hip-hop -- we had a little of everything from the engaged and talented students (and some parents and staff) of our amazing public alternative school. Go Dead Rats!

And the band names just keep coming:

Baby and the Nobodies
Two of my favorite things: the classic X and the Y structure, with our characteristic Northwest loser pride.

Emergency Volcano Evacuation Route
For readers elsewhere, we see these signs along certain roads near Mt. Rainier, one of our local volcanoes. Although I'm a big fan of wordplay, I also love it when existing text from out in the world can be lifted unchanged into a band name.

Largemouth Bastards
One syllable, a surprising twist, and it still makes sense!

This is one of the Nova bands from last night. Rock will never be dead as long as young teens have the opportunity to plug in a guitar and turn it up. And, no small thing, the opportunity to name the project! Again with the Seattle loser pride. I also like the way it's all run together, even though that risks being read as Near Dowells (what we call the Oneder Effect.)

The Phenomenauts
They sail the strange and unusual, and live to sing the tale.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out for The Neerdowells Karen! :) Awesome blog!
