Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 25, 2014

The pint of blood I just donated must have contained all my witty banter, because I have nothing to say about anything except these five fine band names:

They have jetpacks and laser eyes. (Or else this is just another term for eggs).

The Pop Cycle
Here's another play on that beloved quiescently frozen confection! This one, you can ride.

I love it when technical terms from art music infiltrate the pop world. Where does this group sit in your range? This also has the sentimental attachment of being the name of my musician friends' kitten, longer ago than I care to think about.

I like this recent fad for shapeshifting into animals other than wolves. This one's practical, too: wait for the full moon and take care of those pesky blackberries yourself.

I've always been amused by the school of naming your band for something offputting. This one goes straight to my favorite term of disgust. No matter how long you stretch it out, it always ends with a crack.

PS: If you wish to donate blood and witty banter, please call Puget Sound Blood Center at 800-398-7888 or make an appointment online!

1 comment:

  1. The blood bank takes my witty banter AND my energy. I'm not allowed to donate any more. It ruined a long-standing family tradition where we used to go donate as a group and then go out to dinner. But my doctor said no one with my anemia should be giving away blood.
