Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11, 2014

Although I'm not a football fan, I'm aware that there's some kind of big game in Seattle today. I'm rooting for the weather. Rain, wind, hail, lightning, sun breaks -- all that's missing is snow. Now I'm happy we built an open stadium. I'm even happier that rock & roll is an indoor sport. This week's favorites:

Barefoot Barnacle
These words in proximity provoke a wince from anyone who's spent time on Northwest beaches. But in this case, it's the barnacle that's barefoot. (My resident science adviser points out that all barnacles are barefoot: they plant their heads and wave their feet around to collect food. And anyway, how would you get the little shoes on?)
Genghis Con Artist
I love a good homophonic twist (the latest dance craze). Mongol hordes, scamming their way across Asia.

Pop Sickle
The quiescently frozen confection that kills it every time.

Spontaneous Rex
An unplanned dinosaur or a freewheeling monarch? I'd love to see this outfit on a bill with Tyrannosaurus Grace.

Surfer Blood
Beach Blanket Death Metal.

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