Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 5, 2013

It's a new year, Your Mother Should Know is learning new songs and should have a new recording out soon, and the intrepid bar-band community continues to inspire and delight with an apparently bottomless well of names.

Dead End Alaska
It's been said that the Pacific Northwest is where the restless souls, wandering black sheep, and other riffraff of the nation end up when they've roamed as far west as they can go. Those for whom even Seattle is not weird enough head north. This band name sounds like the end of the line even for them. If it's not a real place name, it should be.

Fainting Goats
Isn't this an ice cream place? And then there's Stumbling Goat Bistro, where I had a fine meal recently. It's hard to imagine what would make a goat faint or stumble -- they're surefooted and eat everything, including blackberry vines. But we like the unimaginable in this town.

Full disclosure -- a relative is a co-founder of this group, formerly of Whidbey Island, now based in upstate New York. I like the name for its implicit raunchiness and explicit innocent silliness. (And the new EP is pretty good, too).

Powdered Water
Heh. Like the astronauts drank . . .

West Coast Improvement Company
How do you improve the Best Coast?

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