Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 13, 2012

I've been on vacation this week! Our glorious summer lingered just long enough for a trip to Mt. Rainier and the last perfect day in Paradise. Suddenly we're staring squarely down the barrel of winter -- just the time to hunker down in a dingy bar and hear some loud comfort music. A few choice morsels to consider:

Mausoleum Neeson
I'm always a sucker for the ones you have to read out loud to get the joke. As a fan of Mr. Neeson's work, I also appreciate a shout-out when I see one, backhanded as it may be.

It's the exclamation point that does it. We should be excited about science!

Skip the Foreplay
Can't necessarily recommend this as good advice, but I have to admire their confidence that whatever they're doing will be worth it.

The Solvents
Something harsh and strong to strip away all that is sticky or extraneous.

Toxic Reign
Fun with spelling and double meanings. Perhaps also a comment on this electoral season and what may lie ahead.

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