Saturday, December 28, 2013

December 28, 2013

As the sun sets on this last Saturday of 2013, painting even the east pink from south to north, I look back on a year that has seen well deserved attention to some favorite musicians (I'm looking at you, Dead Bars and Shelby Earl), my first published fiction (a story in HEATHERS, now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle versions), and the first steps toward a full-length album from Your Mother Should Know. I could do a year-in-review blog, but I won't because there's always plenty of new material! The final list of 2013:

About the Author
I'm a writer -- how could I not choose this one? My bio in HEATHERS reads "Karen Eisenbrey was saved by rock and roll and fantasy novels." Perhaps I should change that "was" to "is being."

Dressed as Super Heroes
I appreciate a band that can own its comic book nerd roots. And as it happens, the follow-up to my story in HEATHERS gives the heroine superpowers. She doesn't do capes or high heels.

The Feelgood Band of the Year
There really are bands that lift away the years and make me feel 17 again (in a good way). Dead Bars is out of town, so this must be somebody else, but I hope they really do that for someone.
Puddle City Possums
This has both downhome folksiness and good poetic/syllabic structure. As an old Pogo fan, I'm happy to honor these possums. Puddle City is an excellent Seattle nickname, too.

You Knew Me When
Don't we all want to say this? I hope HEATHERS gets positive attention. I hope to publish more work. I hope the record turns out well. Whether any of this happens, you knew me when. Happy New Year!

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