Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8, 2014

I'm observing a dry Lent, but at least the weather is soaking wet! Neither of those things prevents me from celebrating bands and band names. There's never a shortage -- here is this week's fine collection:

When your dreams look tired and out of date, you make an appointment. They'll shampoo your psyche and give you a whole new dream style. What are the magazines you read while you wait?

I'm always a sucker for wordplay. This steed picks up hoofprints as it passes, leaving untrodden snow.

Indie and a Jones
Wordplay and pop culture and the classic X and the Y structure? It's like they know me. And I'm a big fan of Dr. Jones.

Pat the Bunny
Here's another kind of wordplay I enjoy, where a verb can also be a name. So the classic baby book title in another light becomes a gangster name. And there's also a little nostalgia factor, for any parent who wore out a copy of the book.

The Sun Thieves
Our neighbors, the clouds, raised to mythic heights.

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