The last day of February wanted to be spring. The first day of March isn't so sure. At this unsettled time of year, it's reassuring that we can still rely on the music scene for a boundless supply of entertaining band names.
Sometimes it's best to be short and to the point. This single word is a noun and a verb, both of them kind of disturbing -- a lot of heavy lifting for one syllable, two actual letters, three characters.
Pigpen Theatre Co.
I love how the British spelling classes up the sty.
This is awfully close to the unspellable, nigh unpronounceable nonsense name I was wishing for last week, so thanks, guys! My guess is "red gold green" but just looking at it in print, it's not obvious and I respect that.
Tugboat Country
Hey, that's where we live! I can relate to tugboats -- they're small but mighty, and the big, flashy ships can't get along without them.
We Butter the Bread with Butter
Out at the opposite end from Gag, here we have six words -- eight syllables -- that form a complete sentence. That alone is amusing. But behold! Once again, there's one word acting as both noun and verb, which lends an absurd poetry to the enterprise.
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