Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 26, 2013

Blogging near the end of a busy day! It's probably a good thing we didn't go out last night, considering all the stuff we had to do today, but I was sorry to miss On the Ground, The Badlands, and Pouch. Next time, perhaps. Tonight, it's Neal Meyer's Cage/Joyce program at the Chapel Performance Space -- something I've been looking forward to. These names caught my eye this week:

Miss Rose and her Rhythm Percolators
I've been meaning to point this group out for some time. Today I met someone who knows them well, and there I was with a space to fill! It's an old-fashioned name befitting the style of music they play -- I'm told when they play the Sorrento, you expect Bertie Wooster to stroll in. So we have the classic format -- leader's name and his/her plural noun. "Rhythm Percolators" is both rhythmic and cheery, as well as old-timey. Sounds perfect for what they do.

Oh happy day when made-up words are easy and fun to say! What have we here? Morbid + Audacious? Mordant + Bodacious? Choose your own meaning.

Kind of hard to picture -- the cats I know don't like to get their paws wet.

Tacoma Finish
Last week I dissed Tacoma, but I'm really rather fond of the place -- especially as an incubator of early garage rock. So if you can put a Tacoma finish on your music, that can only be a good thing.

This Soil is Diseased
Yow! I suspect this comes directly off a sign somewhere, a perfect metal name: complete sentence with notes of death and corruption.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

January 20, 2013

I can hardly believe it, but people have begun to complain about the weather! In Seattle! All right, yes, the fog is getting a little old. But I remember a winter some years ago when it was foggy for three weeks straight without even a sunbreak. And I lived in Tacoma. So, you know, it could be worse. (I won't even mention the S word). Cut through the fog with some good astringent punk rock and you'll feel better.

Falling Awake
Is this about drifting into consciousness without really realizing it, and everything makes perfect sense until you go to sleep again? Or that moment when you've been drifting off to sleep, feel like you're falling, and jerk awake?

What a difference one letter makes. So warm and fuzzy!

Kim Jong Illin'
Resident wet blanket points out that this is too out-of-date to be relevant anymore. Don't care. It's still clever and funny, and in a year or two, it'll be retro.

Lo' There Do I See My Brother
Formal and old-fashioned and too many words -- everything I love in a band name.

Red Wanting Blue
Do political opposites attract, or just need each other as foils? Does red want blue more than blue wants red? Is it a rom-com or a tragedy?

Special recognition for an event name I couldn't make up if I tried:
The King County Executive's Awards for Excellence in Hip Hop

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 13, 2013

I'm a day late due to a very busy Saturday of wildly diverse activities: helped lead a spiritual retreat in the morning, then into the sparkly purple minidress and over-the-knee boots for a party at Teatro Zinzanni in the late afternoon and evening. Naturally, I caught a cold; lucky I didn't get whiplash. But there's always time to celebrate great band names:

Books on Fate
It sounds like it's going to be Books on [some audio medium] and then takes a turn for the cosmic.

Coho Mountain String Ticklers
"Tickle" is the perfect verb for how bluegrass players get sound out of their instruments, and also how this name affected me.

Holy Bourbon Church
My temperance foremothers would be shocked, but what time are the services?

Microscopic Suffering
Seen through the right lens, even tiny suffering fills the field of view.

Transmissionary Six
Automotive meets evangelical.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 5, 2013

It's a new year, Your Mother Should Know is learning new songs and should have a new recording out soon, and the intrepid bar-band community continues to inspire and delight with an apparently bottomless well of names.

Dead End Alaska
It's been said that the Pacific Northwest is where the restless souls, wandering black sheep, and other riffraff of the nation end up when they've roamed as far west as they can go. Those for whom even Seattle is not weird enough head north. This band name sounds like the end of the line even for them. If it's not a real place name, it should be.

Fainting Goats
Isn't this an ice cream place? And then there's Stumbling Goat Bistro, where I had a fine meal recently. It's hard to imagine what would make a goat faint or stumble -- they're surefooted and eat everything, including blackberry vines. But we like the unimaginable in this town.

Full disclosure -- a relative is a co-founder of this group, formerly of Whidbey Island, now based in upstate New York. I like the name for its implicit raunchiness and explicit innocent silliness. (And the new EP is pretty good, too).

Powdered Water
Heh. Like the astronauts drank . . .

West Coast Improvement Company
How do you improve the Best Coast?