Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 7, 2013

September arrives and school begins with a light show and thunderous percussion! If summer must end, glad to see it go with a bang.

Bleeding Rainbow
So much going on in so few words. A sneakily violent reference to a PBS children's show? A proud announcement of the metaphorical color of one's blood? Or did the tie-dye run in the wash?

Into It. Over It.
If it goes this fast, it's not my fault I'm so often late to the party, fad-wise. What a relief! (How appropriate it would be if this band is a one-hit wonder).

The Knowgooders
A nice mash-up of "know" and "no good" and "do-gooders."

Tim Fantastic and Styrofoam Meat Trays
It's long and it makes nonsense of the mundane. What's not to like?

Queen Kwong
Once you see it done, it looks easy, but I never thought of this -- did you?

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