Saturday, September 21, 2013

September 21, 2013

Singing and playing drums at the same time is hard! Duh, you say. At this point, I can sing an involved part if the drum part is simple, or play an involved part if the vocal part is simple. So now I'm stepping it up and trying to sing a sort-of complex vocal part against a sort-of complex drum part. What I'm finding is, I can do some of it but can't remember all of either part at the same time, and sometimes I can't remember any of either. BUT it's better than expected and enough fun that I plan to keep trying! (Good thing we don't have a show booked yet, but I look forward to playing this song in public after a lot more practice). Meanwhile, these well named bands have shows this week:

Equally great as a name for birds or a band. I think it's the enclosed "ack" that makes it so much fun to say. It just sounds like something noisy.

Hound Dog Taylor's Hand
There's a disconnect between a hound dog and a hand that makes this name end on a surprise. Plus, you think it's a band named after the late Hound Dog Taylor, but then, no, it's named after his hand. Presumably not disembodied, but still -- makes you sit right up.

Loops of Fury
"Fury" is not the first thing to come to mind when I think "loops" so there's the surprise and goofiness factor of an unexpected pairing. But it is Decibel Festival, so who knows? Maybe it isn't hyperbole, after all.

Mind Spiders
Worse (or better) than ear worms!

Thrasher's Corner
A classic place name that sounds too metal for the bucolic reality.

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