Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 26, 2013

Blogging near the end of a busy day! It's probably a good thing we didn't go out last night, considering all the stuff we had to do today, but I was sorry to miss On the Ground, The Badlands, and Pouch. Next time, perhaps. Tonight, it's Neal Meyer's Cage/Joyce program at the Chapel Performance Space -- something I've been looking forward to. These names caught my eye this week:

Miss Rose and her Rhythm Percolators
I've been meaning to point this group out for some time. Today I met someone who knows them well, and there I was with a space to fill! It's an old-fashioned name befitting the style of music they play -- I'm told when they play the Sorrento, you expect Bertie Wooster to stroll in. So we have the classic format -- leader's name and his/her plural noun. "Rhythm Percolators" is both rhythmic and cheery, as well as old-timey. Sounds perfect for what they do.

Oh happy day when made-up words are easy and fun to say! What have we here? Morbid + Audacious? Mordant + Bodacious? Choose your own meaning.

Kind of hard to picture -- the cats I know don't like to get their paws wet.

Tacoma Finish
Last week I dissed Tacoma, but I'm really rather fond of the place -- especially as an incubator of early garage rock. So if you can put a Tacoma finish on your music, that can only be a good thing.

This Soil is Diseased
Yow! I suspect this comes directly off a sign somewhere, a perfect metal name: complete sentence with notes of death and corruption.

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