I find most of the really creative, entertaining band names under Rock/Pop (possibly because Seattle is a city of rock bands?), so it's a rare pleasure this week to honor a couple of bands in other genres. This week's awards go to:
Eighteen Individual Eyes
I have delighted in this name for months, so I'm thrilled they came up this week. The inclusion of "individual" makes it for me -- it's not just "eighteen eyes" but "eighteen individual eyes." Is this an eighteen-eyed creature, each eye functioning independently? Eighteen one-eyed creatures? A nine-piece band? It's also fun to say -- all those vowels just roll off the tongue.
Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank
My first winner from the Country listings! (I will have to keep a closer eye on Country; when Rock starts to take itself too seriously, Country keeps its sense of humor). I think I like this one because uncles and nephews are automatically funnier than fathers and sons. I also enjoy the specificity of Uncle Frank. And for some reason, "Hobo" adds humor to anything these days.
Kung Foo Grip
Back to childhood and those GI Joe commercials! The spelling adds to the humor, especially as they happened to be playing at Chop Suey. Thank you, Hip-Hop, for stepping up.
Low Hums
Another first -- a band I've actually heard. I caught the end of their set at Reverb and can attest that this is a case of the name fitting the music perfectly. A deep bath of sludgy distortion -- ahhh!
Puget Sound System
Local flavor + wordplay = A Winner! We are so lucky to live in a place where the largest body of water is a sound.
cute logo.