Saturday, March 19, 2016

March 19, 2016

Too many band names! What a happy problem to have, though it's hard to choose who gets cut. With luck, they will show up again soon. These five made it through the rigorous selection process:

The Dead Tongues 
Ancient languages or Novocaine? I lean toward the latter because in my novel The Gospel According to St. Rage (coming in June 2016), the protagonist considers and discards many band names before settling on St. Rage. One of the rejects, arrived at while she's high on laughing gas and numb from oral surgery, is Dead Tongue. I'm glad someone else is using it.

Fast Nasties
This one has a no-nonsense rhyme and snappy sibilance that perfectly suits their brisk soulful stylings.
One Step from Everywhere
I imagine a teleportation node that solves all our commuting woes.

It's a complete sentence run together without punctuation, which allows multiple interpretations: a demand for permission to take off, mild surprise at the discovery of a new superpower, or the name of a supremely confident insect.

Sleeping Planet
Here's an idea for our climate problems: just leave Mother Earth alone for a while so she can have a nice nap.

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