Having taken on a bunch of debt to fix up our house, we are economizing by having Valentine's Day at home this year. But I encourage everyone who is not economizing -- single, coupled, or something else -- to share the love with your favorite local musicians this weekend and beyond. I offer a Valentine to these five:
The Lochness Mobsters
Love it when you change one letter and get a whole new image that still sort of makes sense. Grainy photograph of a guy in a fedora with a Tommy gun rising out of the water.
The Machine That Took My Family
I'm a big fan of band names with a few too many words. This one has tragic sci-fi implications.
Puget Noise
It's almost too easy! This is who we are. As a musician, it has always made me happy that our local arm of the sea is called a sound. I also find it amusing that a region known for polite (or is that passive/aggressive) introverts is also famous for jets, rock music, and football fans who register on the Richter scale. (A Google search for this band name also turned up my alma mater, the University of Puget Sound. They are both in Tacoma. Coincidence?)
Speaker of the House
Many years ago, my brother blew out a stereo speaker and turned it into a feedback machine. It was dubbed the Speaker of the House and became a beloved part of the free-improv group Banned Rehearsal (because some people can't resist a pun). I'm glad someone else saw the musical potential in this title.
Truth Decay
So appropriate in an election year. Is there something we can brush and floss to prevent this?
(In case anyone is interested, last weekend's Write Here, Write Now workshop was extremely productive. The stalled novel project is officially unstalled.)
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