Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 14, 2015

It's dark and wet and November has settled in for a long visit. If you can bring yourself to leave the house, go find a really loud band so you have an excuse to scream. Or just turn up the music and dance in the living room.

100 Watt Mind
The author in the '80s, having a burned-out 40-watt idea.
Are they thinking amps or ideas? With today's efficient light bulbs, you get as bright an idea without expending nearly as much power.

The Rain Within
These dark days will get to you if you let them. But perhaps the mind's winter drizzle is watering creative seeds that will bloom in the spring.
"Smooch" is my favorite slang for kiss. I hope the knob goes up to 11.

These People Here
I appreciate the ordinariness of this expression, and the way the unfinished thought could go in any direction. Are these people here the salt of the earth? Just awful? Exactly like those people there? It remains to be seen.

We Are Not Mel Torme
An example of a bald truth that is nevertheless unexpected and humorous. While factually accurate (for all except Mel Torme), this is a weird statement, not least because of that royal we at the outset. 

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