Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 4, 2015

We got to sleep in yesterday, so we decided we could afford to stay out late last night. I didn't have the stamina to endure more than a couple hours in the sweat lodge that is any club this weekend, but it was great to get out to El Corazon to hear our old friends Dead Bars, along with The Botherations (who made the blog about two years ago; read it here) and The Kings. In spite of the heat, people were dancing! In Seattle! Whatever next?

Have a safe and happy 4th, don't set things on fire, and whether you're out in the sun or inside a dark bar, remember to drink plenty of water!

Burlington Coat Felony
I love it when a phrase starts out familiar, then takes a twist at the end. Maybe you could get a really good deal on a coat this weekend, but it would be a crime to wear one.
It's so hot, even the fruit is melting!

Mustard Plug
This is one of those band names that shines a spotlight on a mundane or annoying object, elevating it to the hilarious sublime. It's also a fitting name for a summer weekend of picnics and barbecues. (These guys headlined the show at El Corazon last night. I was really sorry to wimp out, but there were plenty of younger, more energetic people in the audience who I'm sure gave them and Regional Faction an enthusiastic welcome.)

Tinfoil and Tape
Emblems of DIY culture, and the urban equivalents of chewing gum and baling wire. 

Body-part band names are one of my favorite genres. There's something especially appealing about focusing on just one of a set, even more so when it is the humble nether digit.

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