I hope all the boaters remembered their sunscreen on this bright and shiny Opening Day. If not, they might want to recover by sitting in a dark bar with a cold brew and some loud music. Here's this week's handful of names that caught my eye:
Barb Wire Dolls
Takes the vapid fashion doll in a decidedly punk direction. Do not toy with her or you will lose some skin.
The Earwigs
I have a love/hate relationship with earwigs. On the one hand, they chew up my roses and pinch. On the other hand, they look as weird as their name. (A couple decades ago, we had earwigs living in our gate. Our then-two-year-old watched them with great fascination and cute utterances, to the point where I learned to draw an earwig so I could make a little picture book for him -- even though I really can't draw.)
Ghost of Paul Revere
We've just lost Jack Ely and Ben E. King, but this reminds me that we also lost Paul Revere not so long ago. OK, they probably didn't name their band for that Paul Revere, but still . . .
Kangaroo Boy
Have we wandered into tabloid news territory, or does he just have big pockets?
Sci-Fi Fantasy Horror
I'm not a fan of genre classification, but I admit this is my default section of the bookstore and where any books of mine would likely be shelved. Is there such a thing as "Speculative Rock"?
Thank you from "Sci -Fi Fantasy Horror"