Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 8, 2014

After a wild weather week, it's a real pleasure to look out at blue skies and the last few leaves fluttering in a gentle breeze. And we even have a couple more hours of daylight! After dark, seek shelter in a dingy bar somewhere and catch a little music. Here are some well named possibilities:

In this family, neither mother nor father presides over the holiday table.

Sailing the seas of one's own inner being. Alone.

I remember hearing this vocal tic back in the early nineties, mostly among computer programmers. At first, I thought it was just one guy. Then they were all doing it, and now it has apparently spread further into the culture. Where will it all end?

Welcome to November in the Pacific Northwest! Aside from today, dodging the sun should be no problem.

Groovy, man. The third E is all it takes to perfectly convey the necessary stoner inflection.

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