About a year ago, I saw a sign on a self-storage place with a burned-out O, and began to write a story about an all-girl teenage garage band named St. Rage, which also ends up being the superhero name of the protagonist. To my surprise and delight, I learned this week that the story will be published in January as the first release in the 2015 Pankhearst Singles Club. So now I know -- when I say such-and-such would be a great name for a band, maybe I should write a story about them.
These bands are not fictional:
Boy & Bear
My first thought is of Christopher Robin and Pooh. My second thought is of Moose and Squirrel. I like the simplicity of the monosyllables related by alliteration, and the innocence of the image.
Brick + Mortar
Here we have another simple this-and-that pairing, this time with a functional use. A nice irony that their record is available online rather than (or maybe as well as) in a brick & mortar store.
For All Those Sleeping
Some Kind of Nightmare
A Taste of Daylight
I also respect the wordier band name, which these three represent. Taken together, they create a compelling little narrative about sleep, dreams, and waking. If by chance one could fall asleep to the music, one might indeed have vivid dreams -- perhaps some kind of nightmare -- and wake grateful for even the small taste of daylight we enjoy this time of year.
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