OK, now that the storm has passed and I can plug my computer back in, let's see about some band names:
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
It's rare that I blog about a name big enough to headline a venue like the Crocodile. I like this relentlessly positive instruction for how to participate in a no doubt upbeat song. It works equally well as advice for dealing with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
The Finger Guns
I recently finished writing a short story about a girl who gains superpowers, including a fully functional finger gun. So let's be careful out there.
Free Salamander Exhibit
I like to imagine this name was usurped from a hand-printed sign for a low-rent roadside attraction. Or who knows, maybe there are actual amphibians in the band. Either way, it signals something interesting and unexpected.
Haints in the Holler
Pine Hill Haints
It's like an Ozark invasion! (Which wouldn't be a bad name for a band . . .) I was delighted to encounter these hillbilly usages in two separate shows in the same week. Downhome authenticity is implied.
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