Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 7, 2014

"I thought it was supposed to be June," I said. "What's with all the sunshine?" Then I remembered -- kids are still in school. Junuary will probably arrive just in time for summer break. (My resident Seattle schools student graduates next week -- the end of an era going back to 1996! He prefers not to go outside, anyway, so he might not even notice when the gloom descends.) If you're out on one of these long, beautiful evenings, be sure to come in off the patio to give the band some love.

This week's picks:

This would be a good name even if it had nothing to do with guitars. This collection of phonemes is fun to say, and "buck" provides a rootsy, rural vibe.
Rain Light Fade
And while we're on the subject of typical Seattle June weather, along comes this little poem. I'm thinking of that moment when an evening summer shower ends and the sun comes out just in time to set.

The phonetic spelling shams a lack of sophistication and cleverly renders the word nearly unrecognizable until you sound it out.

Sun Tunnels
They belong on a bill with Subways on the Sun! I like this because I usually think of tunnels as dark, or anyway, cut off from natural light. This sounds like a bright trail through a deep forest.

tomorrows tulips
Planting tulip bulbs in the dark and damp of October is an act of faith that spring will come again, and the next spring, and the next.

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