Winter's making a lame attempt at a comeback, but chickadees are nesting and I see buds on the lilac bush. It might be cold and wet, but it's still spring, and only a month to the U. District Street Fair, when it might be sunny and 90 (or rainy and 60). Think warm thoughts and go find a band. Here are a few that caught my eye:
Captured! by Robots
I would like the silly sci-fi B-movie vibe regardless, but the exclamation point puts it over the cheesy top.
Inkiest Eels
I try not to play favorites, but this week, this is my favorite. This bizarre word pairing sounds like the title of some weird children's book that I would love to get my hands on. The assonance of all those long-e sounds also makes it a delight to say.
The Past Impending
Obscure verb tense? Convoluted narrative device? Time travel reference?
Power Cassette
This must be the accessory of a second- or third-tier music-themed 1980s superhero.
Stop Motion Poetry
Poetry in motion, the animated series.
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